Last week we did our version of “The 12 Days of Christmas” at Bombshell Bootcamp  and called it “The 12 Days of Fitness”! However, this is a great workout you can do any time of year. Start with a 10-15 minute warmup and then start this workout with #1 and work your way down to #12. However, the song is a “cumulative” song, meaning that each verse (or workout) is added to the previous one! For instance: On the 4th day of fitness my trainer gave to me 4 calling burpees, 3 french hills, 2 Turtle Tucks, etc. So, this circuit becomes quite challenging and should take you about 20-30minutes depending on how fast you go.
 12 Days of Fitness Workout
1 Bootcamper in a Pear Tree (hold tree pose for 10-30 seconds on each leg)
2 Turtle Tucks (jumps)
3 French Hills (or sets of high knees)
4 Calling Burpees
5 Golden Pushups
6 Geese a Lunging (6 sets of reverse lunges)
7 Santas Squatting (7 squats)
8 Lords ‘O Leaping (leaping jumps)
9 Swimmers Swimming (on your back ie “superman” – 9 sets)
10 Jacks a Jumping (10 jacks)
11 Plankers Planking (11 sets of alternating arm reaches or you can do leg raises – while in forearm plank position)
12 Drummers Drumming (wall sit in “drummer” position with fists on quads)