Lower Body Set
- 3 low squat pulses + 1 squat jump
- Squat/Lunge Combo – alternate squat, reverse lunge right, squat, reverse lunge left.*
- 10 side lunges (alternate r+l)* then 10 jump lunges
- 10 Froggers (in a plank, jump feet to the outside of your hands then back to plank) + 10 Sumo Squats with upright rows
Upper Body Set
- Weighted burpee with shoulder press at the end (hands are on weights during burpee)*
- 4 bicep curls then do jack feet front and back (vs out to the side) for 4 counts (l,r,l,r)*
- 4 pushups then 4 plank tucks (bring knee around outside of body to touch elbow)
- 4 bent over rows with right arm then 4 tricep kickbacks (in same position), switch and repeat on left*