(Sabra Harvey second from left)
I run quite a few 5k’s and 10k’s here in Houston and over the last few years I always look up the top winners and their finish times. One woman’s name (Sabra Harvey) is always at the top, and until recently I never looked at her age..only her time…which is FAST! Well, turns out she is 60! Yes, 60! Also, the cool thing is that she just started running 9 years ago in her 50’s! See, it’s never too late to start running. Are you telling yourself that you’ve “never been a runner” so why start now? Well, she never ran either…or played sports in high school or college. Go out this week and try something new, even if it’s not running. You never know…with a little practice and determination you could start winning medals!
Check out this article about Sabra and her coach: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/sports/run/6562298.html